Saturday, 30 January 2010

The ‘Allah’ issue…The Problem with Islamic Education and Political Interests in Malaysia.

11 Churches attacked by arsonist, a result from Muslim extremist in Malaysia had finally put Malaysia in International headlines. From the front cover of International Herald Tribune ( IHT ), to the front cover of Financial Times ( FT ), to reports on worldwide news such as BBC, Al-Jazeera and even CNN. A feat which in any other circumstances would not be easy to be achieved by such a small country as Malaysia, except Malaysia appears on the front covers of these papers for all the wrong reasons, tarnishing the very image of Malaysia Internationally, and more over painting a bad image of Muslims in Malaysia in particularly, further enforcing the age old infamous ‘stereotype’ about Islam being a religion of ‘terrorist’ and ‘extremist’, the Malays in Malaysia who are predominantly Muslim, through such extremist behaviors have in-fact only helped to ‘enforce’ this negative stereotype of Islam even further, making Muslims worldwide to feel ‘ashamed’ of their fellow counterparts in Malaysia…the Malays who call themselves ‘Muslims’ through such actions of violence shown recently.

But the very actions of these ‘extremist’ Muslims cum Malays –burning down Churches and their protests towards Christians having the right to use the very word ‘Allah’ to describe GOD in their own publications- in general truly contradict with what is taught in Islam itself and what is being taught and written in the Muslim Book- The Koran itself- which all Muslims profess and believe as The Word of GOD HIMSELF. For in Islam, Christians and Jews/Judaism are called ‘The People of the Book’, and it has been written in the Quran itself…

Chapter 22 Al-Hajj ( The Pilgrimage ) verse 39-40:

39. ‘To those against whom war is made, permission is given ( to fight ) because they are wronged;- and verily, God is Most Powerful for their aid;

40.( They are ) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right,- ( for no cause ) except that they say, “Our LORD is GOD.” Did not GOD check on set of people by means of another, there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of GOD is commemorated in abundant measure. GOD will certainly aid those who aid HIS ( cause ); -for verily GOD is full of Strength, Exalted in Might, ( able to enforce His Will ).

As seen written clearly, by this verse in the Quran; Islam teaches Muslims to respect the houses of worship of other religions and in particularly those of The People of the Book itself, and despite the language variation of practices among The People of the Book, whether it be in Arabic, Hebrew, Yiddish, or Latin, GOD does not ‘denounce’ in anyway that it is HIS name which is being commemorated in these houses of worship among The People of the Book itself.

Furthermore, the actions among the current ruling political party UMNO in setting up a Group in Facebook called “MENENTANG PENGGUNAAN NAMA ‘ALLAH’ OLEH BUKAN ISLAM” or “ Protest Against the use of the name ‘Allah’ by Non-Muslims’ which gained over hundred thousands fans in just a few days… this action itself is also against what is being taught in the Quran for it is written…

Chapter 29 Al-Ankabut ( The Spider ) verse 46:

“ And dispute you not with the People of the Book, except with means better ( than mere disputation ), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong ( and injury ): but say,

‘We believe in the Revelation which has come down to us and in what which came down to you; our God and your God is One; and it is to Him we bow ( in Islam ).”

Many ignorant Malay Muslims in Malaysia even question the validity of whether Jews or Christians of today are even ‘qualified’ to be considered as genuine or authentic ‘People of the Book’ in according the Quran and Islam, simply due to the ‘differences’ in religious ‘theology’ between Christians and Muslims, particularly concerning the subject matter of the concept of ‘The Holy Trinity’ in accordance to Christian theology.

But sadly what such ignorant Malay Muslims in Malaysia have failed to comprehend is the fact that such theology had already existed ‘before’ the coming of Islam itself and is already written about in the Quran itself, and NOWHERE within the Quran itself or the Traditions of the Prophet Muhammad ( Peace Be Upon Him ), does GOD deny that the Christians or Jews of today are not the ‘People of The Book’. As much of what is contained within the Bible today, whether it be The Old Testament held by the Jews, or even what is contained in The New Testament today, have all become ‘standard text’ used and practice or ‘canonical’, long before the coming of Islam itself, and the Quran in many verses throughout it- had explained in detail and made clear the differences between itself –The Quran- and The Bible as well as concerning the differences in religious theology between the belief of a Muslim and those of ‘The People of the Book’, thus if Malay Muslims truly read and study their own book The Quran, there would and neither could be no confusion as many of them so called claim, because everything has been written and made clear and concise to Muslims in general.

Furthermore for Muslims it is also written in the Quran where GOD commands Muslims...

Chapter 2 Al-Baqarah ( The Heifer ) verse 136:

‘Say you: “We believe in God, and the revelations given to us, and to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to ( all ) prophets from their LORD: we make no difference between one and another of them: and we bow to God ( in Islam ).’

Furthermore in relations between Muslims and The People of the Book, although the differences between theology and belief had been made clear, along with precautions concerning relations for Muslims to guard their faith when mixing or interacting with People of the Book, he Quran also writes…

Chapter 3 Surah Al-Imran ( The Family of Imran ) verse 113-115:

‘113. Not all of them are alike: of the People of the Book are a portion that stand ( for the right ): they rehearse the Signs of GOD all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration. 114. They believe in GOD and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten ( in emulation ) in all good works: they are in the ranks of the righteous. 115. Of the good that they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for GOD knows well those that do right.’

The Quran also writes specifically pertaining to relations with People of the Book among Christians…

Chapter 5 Surah Al-Ma’idah ( The Table ) verse 82:-

‘…and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say.

“We are Christians.”: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.’

But despite everything that has been written so clearly in the Quran, which is held sacred and holy by Muslims worldwide, why have Malay Muslims resorted to extremism and behave in the exact opposite of what has been taught as well as even practiced by the Muslim prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) himself???

Perhaps one simple answer lies in how Islam is being taught and practiced by the Malay Muslims in Malaysia and in these particular verse in the Quran…

Chapter 46 Al-Ahqaf ( Winding Sand-tracts ) verse 12:

“ And before this, was the Book of Moses as a guide and mercy: and this Book confirms

( it ) in the Arabic tongue: to admonish the unjust, and as Glad Tidings to those who do right.”

Chapter 39 Al-Zumar ( The Crowds ) verse 28:

( It is ) a Quran in Arabic without any crookedness: in order that they may guard against Evil.”

Chapter 43 Al-Zukhruf ( The Gold Adornments ) verse 3:

We have made it a Quran in Arabic, that you may be able to understand ( and learn wisdom ).”

From these verses in the Quran alone one could already see the how the wide commotion had been started by the Malay-Muslims in Malaysia as it raises a very important question…

“How many Malays actually speak or understand Arabic???”

It is quite easy to see why as well as how all the commotion started from such an issue and to be politicized by groups of irresponsible parties, as Arabic is not the primary language of the Malays, nor is it considered a ‘second language’ for Malays with Malaysia being a former British Colony.

Only Malays who attended Islamic Religious Schools from Primary School, or were in Special Religious Schools or classes during High School would’ve taken basic Arabic language courses, or those attending Islamic Universities and Colleges, but even this is still ‘basic’ Arabic unless a student is specializing in Arabic as their major itself.

As some of the more ignorant Malays would claim that simply using the very word ‘Allah’ by Christians could cause ‘confusion’. But confusion is caused by only by those with lack of information to begin with, or those who are given the wrong information.

But could one who actually or properly reads and studies the Quran be misinformed? When it has even been written in the Quran itself concerning ‘Allah’…

Chapter 6 Surah Al-An’am ( The Cattle ) verse 103:

No vision could grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.’

From this verse alone it is already made quite clear the difference in the concept of GOD in comparison with that in Christianity or other religions alone. But then again, if majority of Malay Muslims don’t understand Arabic nor even bother to take the time to read the Quran with an aim at understanding it, then it is quite obvious then how such ‘confusion’ could come about. But if so that that is the case, then who’s fault is it then if a people of that religion does not even bother to read or understand the Book of their own religion?

For non-Muslims and non-Malays living in Malaysia all this while, sometimes seeing the Quran being read on national television, or even hear it being read out aloud in public from nearby mosques before Muslim prayer times may actually have thought that all this while Malays in general, actually know or understand Arabic, but this is far from the truth.

This raises the question in-fact as to the way Islam is being taught and practiced in Malaysia as well in non-Arabic speaking countries, even in the teaching of Islam in Malaysia’s very own education system.

As I have to admit as a Muslim myself, at times, I feel a great lost being unable to understand or be fluent in Arabic, represents a great challenge as well as a barrier in fully understanding the teaching of Islam or the Quran which is in Arabic itself.

Majority of Muslim Malays since very early childhood are merely being taught how to familiarize themselves with the Arabic Alphabets and writing and taught mainly how to ‘recite’ or ‘pronounce’ the Quran properly, and to recite in terms of pronunciations of the Arabic words properly, but not much emphasis is given into understanding the very ‘meanings’ of the words or even verses of the Quran by Muslims Malays in general for a long time, and this is in-fact how Islam has been taught and practiced for such a long time in Malaysia, where majority of Muslim Malays merely know how to ‘pronounce’ the Quranic verses in Arabic without ever truly comprehend or understand any of it’s meaning –unless their Muslim parents had emphasized their children in taking up proper Islamic studies and on learning Arabic from a very young age.

In terms of religious theology, for non-Muslims out there who are ‘curious’ as pertaining to some of the verses from the Quran which I have cited in here, which mentions such prophets which are familiar to Christians and those of the Judaism faith, this is because in Islamic theology and stand-point is that the Quran itself as well as Islam is continuation of revelations which came before.

In Islam, there are 5 books which came down in various stages, whereby the Quran is the summary and final chapter of the revelations which came down to 5 main prophets beginning with the Prophet and Patriarch “Ibrahim” or Abraham who’s book is mention in the Quran, but has been lost as mentioned in the Quran…

Chapter 53 Surah Al-Najm ( The Stars ) verse 33-37:

33. See you one who turns back, 34. Gives a little, then hardens ( his heart )

35. What! Has he knowledge of the Unseen so that he can see? 36. Nay, is he not acquainted with what is in the books of Moses -37. And of Abraham who fulfilled his engagement?

Chapter 87 Surah Al-A’la ( The Most High ) verses 18-19:

18. And this is in the Books of the earliest ( Revelations ),- 19 The Books of Abraham and Moses.

These 5 books and 5 major prophets are:

5 Major Prophets & Books in Islam:

Abraham/Ibrahim - ( na- )

Moses/Musa - ( Torah/ Taurat )

David/Daud - ( Psalms/ Zabur )

Jesus/Isa - ( Gospels, Evangels/ Injeel )

Muhammad SAW - ( Quran, Koran )

For is is written in Islam in the Quran…

Chapter 43 Surah Al-Ra’d ( The Thunder ) verse 38:

‘ We did send messengers before you, and appointed for them wives and children: and it was never the part of a messenger to bring a Sign except as GOD permitted ( or commanded ). For each period is a Book ( revealed ).

It is for this very reason why Muslims are commanded by Allah to profess Chapter 2 verse 136 in the Quran which I have cited earlier as Islam is part of the Abrahamic faiths.

For it is written in the Quran…

Chapter 2 Al-Baqarah ( The Heifer ) verse 130:

‘ And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their sould with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: and he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the Righteous.’

Muslims in Islam believe in 24-25 major prophets, by which Islam share 20 in common with those of the Christian faith, these prophets and their names in Arabic in The Quran in comparison with the same figures in Bible are:

24 Prophets in Islam:

Bible ( Quranic Equivalent or In the Quran ONLY -IN BLUE colored )

Adam (Adam )

Enoch ( Idris )

Noah (Nuh )

Abraham (Ibrahim )

Lot ( Lut )

Ishmael (Ismail )

Isaac (Is’hak )

Jacob (Ya’qub )

Joseph (Yusuf )

Moses (Musa )

Aaron (Harun )

David (Daud )

Solomon (Sulaiman )

Elijah ( Ilyas )

Elisha (Ilyasa )

Job (Ayub )

Jonah (Yunus )

(Salih )

(Hood )

(Syu’ayb )

Zechariah ( Zakaria )

John The Baptist (Yahya )

Jesus ( Isa )

(Muhammad PBUH )

In fact 3 other prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah are mentioned in Chapter 17 of the Quran in reference to The Fall of Jerusalem but are not mentioned by name, including the prophet Samuel ( Syamil = Arabic ) as it is written in the Quran…

Chapter 40 Surah Ghafir ( Forgiver ) also known as Surah Al-Mu’min ( The Believer ) verse 78:

‘ We did aforetime send messengers before you: of them are some whose story We have related to you, and some whose story We have not related to you. It was not possible for any messenger to bring a Sign except by leave of GOD: but when the Command of GOD was issued, the matter was decided in truth and justice, and there perished, there and then, those who stood on Falsehoods’.

As for some Christians or Non-Muslims out there who may possess the full English translation copy of the Quran without the Arabic text by ‘Abdullah Yusuf Ali’, some may question concerning some of the stories narrated pertaining to 3 particular prophets mentioned which are the prophets Salih, Hud and Syaib, and pertaining to the people they were sent to which were the people of Ad, their descendents the people of Thamud and Madyan.

But this in-fact is also related and linked directly to The Bible and Abraham as the translations used by Abdullah Yusuf Ali is still in Arabic. The people of Ad in the Bible are in-fact the people of the Kingdom of Edomthe Edomites, whereas the people of Thamud mentioned in the Quran are their descendents The Temanites as written in The Quran..

Chapter 89 Surah Al-Fajr ( The Break of Dawn ) verses 6-9:

6. See you not how your LORD dealt with the Ad ( people ) 7. Of the City of Iram, with lofty pillars, 8. The like of which were not produced in ( all ) the land? 9. And the Thamud ( people ), who cut out

( huge ) rocks in the valley?’

One could see reference to them in the Bible’s Old Testament where it is written in..

Chronicles 1: 51-54

‘The Chiefs of Edom were:

‘Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, 52. Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon. 53. Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar,

54. Magdiel and Iram. These were the chiefs of Edom.’

Ancient Kingdom of Israel, to the South in YELLOW, the Kingdom of Edom or people of Ad mentioned in both the Bible's Old Testament and in the Quran

Further reference to them is written in a prophecy against Edom written in The Old Testament in…

Jeremiah Chapter 49: 15-18

15. “Now I will make you small among the nations,

despised among men.

16. The terror you inspire and the pride of your heart have deceived you,

you who live in the clefts of the rocks,

who occupy the heights of the hill.

Though you build your nest as high as the eagle’s.

from there I will bring you down.”

declares The LORD

17. Edom will become an object of horror;

all who pass by will be appalled and will scoff because of all its wounds.

18. As Sodom and Gomorrah were overthrown,

along with their neighbouring towns,”

declares The LORD

so no one will live there;

No man will dwell in it.”

In The Book of Jeremiah 49: 19-21 further the prophesy writes…

I will chase Edom from its land in an instant.

Who is the chosen one I will appoint for this?

20. Therefore hear what the LORD has planned against Edom,

what HE has purposed against those who live in Teman:

The young of the flock will be dragged away;

HE will completely destroy their pasture because of them.

21. At the sound of their fall the earth will tremble;

their cry will resound to Sea of Reeds.

This prophecy which was written in the Bibles Old Testament had indeed come to pass and is narrated in the Quran which answers the question put forth in Jeremiah 49:19.

The prophet sent by GOD to the people of Edom ( Ad ) was the prophet Hud mentioned in the Quran, whereas to their descendants the Temanites ( Thamud ) later on GOD had sent the prophet Salih both whom were from their own brethren and people who had come to warn them to return to the worship of the one true GOD. The people of Edom and Teman had diverged from their original worship towards GOD and became Pagans just as The Children of Israel had took up idol worship during the time of the Prophet Elijah ( Ilyas ) and Elisha ( Ilyasa ) during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel or Isreal.

Both prophets Salih and Hud who had came to warn their own people to turn from their ways were rejected and the prophecy in Jeremiah 49: 21 was fulfilled, as it is written in the Quran concerning the people of Teman ( Thamud )…

Chapter 7 Surah Al-A’raf ( The Heights ) verse 78:

‘ So the earthquake took them unawares, and they lay prostrate in their homes in the morning.’

GOD had saved the prophet Hud and Salih, but their cities and their brethren, their own people whom they were sent as messengers to were completely destroyed. Just as the people of the prophet Noah, as well as the prophet Lot ( Lut ); the cousin to Abraham – of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. But this is amongst the reasons why according to an Islamic interpretation that Jesus himself had said in Gospels:

Mark 6: 4-6:

4.Jesus said to them. “Only in his hometown, among his relatives and his own house is a prophet without honor” 5. He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them 6. And he was amazed at their lack of faith.

In Islam, Muslims believe Jesus to be a prophet, and a very powerful one. And as the narration of most prophets mentioned in the Quran, many of the prophets of old who were sent to their very own people were rejected, including the prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) himself who was rejected in the beginning by his own people, the early Pagan Arab Tribes of Quraish in Mecca.

What remnants of Archeological remains of the People of Edom and Teman today can still be seen, which is the infamous ruins of The City of Petra today…

Ruins of the Ancient City of Petra. The Kingdom of Edom or Ad today...

Remains of the Ancient Tombs of Petra today...

But as seen from the prophecies in The Book of the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament, this is why the very verses of the Quran

Chapter 46 Al-Ahqaf ( Winding Sand-tracts ) verse 12:

“ And before this, was the Book of Moses as a guide and mercy: and this Book confirms

( it ) in the Arabic tongue: to admonish the unjust, and as Glad Tidings to those who do right.”

As much of the Old Testament which includes The Psalms, The Torah and the Book of the Prophets and the Deuteronomic History focuses and follows narrations of the history of the Children of Israel and Jews, by which Jesus himself was also a Jew.

The Quran is a continuation that confirms what had came before it, including the prophecies which had been written in the Books of the Prophets which came before as seen from the prophecies against the people of Edom. The prophet Syu’ayb mentioned in the Quran on the other hand was sent to his people the Midianites ( Madyan ).

For some Muslims who do not truly study the Quran itself, may also not be aware how the story of the people of Edom ( Ad ), or their descendents the Temanites ( Teman ) or even the Midianites ( Madyan ) may relate to them. But to those who are familiar with the genealogy of the prophet Abraham ( Ibrahim ) would know in-fact that Edom or Ad as he and his descendants and people were named after, is in-fact the Eldest son of the prophet Isaac ( Ishaq ), who is the elder brother to the prophet Jacob ( Ya’qub ). Making Edom ( Ad ) the grandson of the prophet Abraham himself. Whereas Midian ( Madyan ) is the son of Abraham born from his slave wife Kethurah. Thus to each of Abraham descendents GOD had sent messengers or prophets. The prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) on the other hand himself is a descendant of Abraham’s eldest son of Hagar ( Hajar )-Ishmael ( Ismail ).

Amongst the other reasons why the Quran stresses the fact that the Quran is a confirmation of the previous scriptures in the Arabic language also relates to a verse in the Quran…

Chapter 30 Al-Rum ( The Roman Empire ) verse 22:

“ And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know.”

For amongst the reasons of how it is repeated in the Quran in Chapter 43 Al-Zukhruf ( The Gold Adornments ) verse 3, as well as Chapter 39 Al-Zumar ( The Crowds ) verse 28, this in-fact relates to the study of linguistics itself and the evolution of language.

As the prophet Abraham ( Ibrahim ) himself was from Babylon, one of the earliest civilizations known to mankind, from the City of Ur, his main language would be Ancient Imperial Aramaic, the father tongue from which modern day Hebrew ( Ibrami ) which is spoken by Jews, and which Arabic spoken by Arabs had derived.

The Great Ziggurat of UR today
Remains of the Royal Tombs of UR today

As with most languages, throughout the course of times, languages evolve and change, but may still retain some shared words from their original tongue and may vary slightly. Similarly to how Indonesian and the Malay ‘Bahasa Melayu’ may be very similar but also have their own unique variations. As could be seen from the comparison between Aramaic Alphabets below ( on the left ) with their equivalents in Hebrew and Arabic; both Hebrew and Arabic still retain or use some of the original letters.

Hebrew evolved and retained some of the original Imperial Aramaic alphabets,

Whereas although modern day Arabic uses some of the similar letters, some pronounced differently, but Arabic uses the Persian Text for writing, but some of the letters are still the same.

From LEFT Imperial Aramaic Alphabet Letters, Middle, same letters in Hebrew Far RIGHT, same letters in Arabic using Persian Text Alphabets.

The pronunciations of some of the letters may vary in modern Arabic a bit, such as the letter ‘Beth’ in Aramaic & Hebrew is pronounced as ‘Ba’, the letter ‘Lamedh’, in Aramaic and Hebrew, would pronounced as ‘Lam’ in Arabic.

Thus there are slight variations, for example the word itself ‘Beth’ Aramaic and Hebrew, in Arabic would be pronounced as ‘Bai’t’ which in both languages means ‘House’. The word “Shemesh”, in Aramaic and Hebrew, would be pronounced as “Shams” in Arabic which both means “Sun”. “Elohim” in Aramaic and Hebrew, in Arabic would be pronounced as “Al-Raheem”, which is one of GOD’s name in Islam meaning “Most Merciful”. Thus for example the place of Jesus ( Isa ) birth ‘Bethlehem’ or ‘Bethelohim’ in Arabic would be pronounced as “Baitul-Raheem” meaning “House of Mercy”.

Thus the Old Hebrew word “Eloah” for God, in Arabic on the other hand, would be pronounced as “Allah”.

But the very word “Eloah” and “Allah” derives from a much older word in Aramaic for GOD which is “El” or “Il”.

In Ancient Babylon, “El” represented the main GOD, or ‘creator’ GOD who sits high in heaven, whom in Ancient Babylonian religion before the time of the prophet Abraham, was said to be the ‘Father God’, who was father to infamous Pagan Gods that appear in both the Bible and the Quran…the father to ‘Baal’ and ‘Asherah’. But the word “El” in Aramaic is also a generic or plural term for GOD. Notice that the very names of the Angels in Islam and Christianity are also in-fact Aramaic in nature. For example

GabriEL or Jibrail in Arabic ( The EL in the back signifying GOD ), as well as the EL in the middle of the word Babylon ( Bab-EL-ion ).

The very word “Bab” in Old Aramic means “Gate” where in Arabic it also means ‘door’. “Ion” or “Iyun” means “The Most High” or “Many”. Thus the very name or word Bab-EL-ion means “Gateway to the Many Gods”. As Ancient Babylon was infamous for it’s many large beautiful gates to the city and of it’s many Gods and Deities throughout it’s city. One among most those infamous gates is The Gate of Ishtar where the modern name Esther derives from, which has been reconstructed.

The Babylonian Gate of Ishtar, excavated and reconstructed in the Museum of Berlin today...

One theory states that the Ancient Greeks ‘borrowed’ this word as it’s Greek variant which is used in English today is “Pavillion”.

The Angel Gabriel or Jibrail, the very word Gaber is variant of the Arabic word with Aramaic roots of “Jabbar” meaning “Magnificent”, “Ra” on the other hand is believed to be the old word for “Light” in Ancient Aramaic, shared by early Egyptians who’s Kingdom arose several centuries later on. This is consistent where in Islam, it written that GOD had created Angels from light. Thus The Angel Gabriel or Jibrail’s name literally means”

“Magnificent Light of God”.

This name is consistent with the Angel Gabriel ( Jibrails ) position as the leader to all the Angels and according to Islam, is also the bringer of GOD’s light who brings down the ‘scriptures’ from GOD to the prophets or in Islam the bringer of wahyu’.

Furthermore, Muslims and even those non-Muslims who may hold the full English Translation Copy of the Quran without the Arabic texts by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, may notice how some of the very verses of the Quran begin with the Arabic letters, Aleph, Lam, Mim

As it is also written in the Quran in

Chapter 2 Surah Al-Baqarah ( The Heifer ) verse 146:-

The People of the Book know this as they know their own sons…

But these very letters if translated into their Aramaic equivalent as given above…

would be pronounced as Aleph, Lamedh, Memthese letters could be found in the 3rd Book of Revelation given the Prophet & King David ( Daud ), in The Psalms ( Zabur ). Where with each letter is written a psalm or a prayer found where it is written in Chapter 119…

Psalms 119: 1-8


1 Blessed are they whose ways are Blameless,

Who walk according to the Law of the LORD,

2 Blessed are they who keep HIS statutes

And seek HIM with all their heart.

3.They do nothing wrong ;

They walk in HIS ways.

4.YOU have laid down precepts

That are to be fully obeyed.

5 Oh that my ways were steadfast

In obeying your decrees!

6 Then I would not be put to shame

When I consider your commands.

7 I will praise you with an upright heart

As I learn you righteous laws

8 I will obey your decrees:

Do not utterly forsake me.

Psalms 119: 89-96


89 YOUR word O LORD is eternal

It stands firms in the heavens.

90 YOUR faithfulness continues through all generations

YOU establish the earth, and it endures.

91 YOUR laws endure to this day,

For all things serve YOU.

92 If YOUR law had not been my delight,

I would have perished in my affliction.

93 I will never forget YOUR precepts

for by them you have preserved my life.

94 Save me for I am YOURS;

I have sought out YOUR precepts.

95 The wicked are waiting to destroy me,

But I will ponder YOUR statutes.

96 To all perfection I see a limit;

But YOUR commands are boundless.

Psalms 119: 97-104


97 Oh, how I love YOUR law!

I meditate on it all day long.

98 YOUR commands make me wiser than my enemies,

For they are ever with me.

99 I have more insight than all my teachers,

For I meditate on YOUR statutes

100 I have more understanding than the elders,

For I obey YOUR precepts.

101 I have kept my feet from every evil path,

So that I might obey YOUR word.

102 I have not departed from YOUR laws,

For YOU YOURself have taught me.

103 How sweet are YOUR words to my taste,

Sweeter than honey to my mouth!

104 I gain understanding from YOUR precepts;

Therefore I hate every wrong path.

This alone shows the link as well as continuity of the Quran as a confirmation of previous scriptures that came before it, as well as a linguistic continuity in a language with Semitic roots that are shared, just as it had been written as clue in the Quran itself…

Chapter 30 Al-Rum ( The Roman Empire ) verse 22:

“ And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know.”

But most of these examples which I have mentioned and put forth has been from several years of a more academic focus on comparative religious studies. And sadly not many Muslims among Malays especially in-fact partake in this particular of subject, or bother to even search for the deeper meanings in coming to understand the Quran or even their own religion much better which is among the reasons for the arise of such extremism and controversy surrounding the whole use of the word ‘Allah’ as an issue.

But as it has been said concerning those who seek to find answers…

Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Further it is written in the Quran itself…

Chapter 2 Surah Al-Baqarah ( The Heifer ) verse 269:

‘He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted receives

indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but men of


If much has already been made cleared and explained to Muslims within the Quran, then where exactly can there be any confusion or could the so called claimed ‘confusion’ then stem from?

But as I have mentioned previously, since Arabic is not the primary nor even secondary language of Malays, this in-fact answers most of the questions put forth. As even the Malay language also borrows many words from Arabic itself, and even the original founder of Melacca Parameswara himself only embraced Islam at a much later age, whereas before the coming of Islam itself, much of the Malay Peninsular previously was originally of the Hindu faith.

A matter of fact, sadly to say, much of Malay Traditions and customs till today, such as the belief in traditional Malay shaman’s such as Bomohs or Pawangs, even the wearing of ‘Inai’ or 'Henna'on the hands and fingers of Malay women to be wed, or even traditions pertaining to beliefs in the use or wearing of charms by Malays or Tangkal to ward off bad-luck or demons, or even traditional beliefs pertaining to the traditional Malay dagger –the Keris. Much of these beliefs and traditions themselves are not part of Islamic religion and teaching and some in-fact even go against Islamic teaching, as some of these very beliefs are more of traditional pre-Islamic beliefs which have roots in Animism which are not aligned with Islam’s belief or teaching, but still are being followed or practiced by Malay Muslims till today.

'Henna' a non-Islamic tradition still practiced by Malay Muslims till today

Even the Malay tradition when facing the Malay Kings or Sultans or ‘Sembah Raja’ where one is required to lift their hands up to their heads to hail the Malay Kings or Sultans itself is from ancient pre-Islamic tradition which is a practice that is from pre-Islamic times, similar to the way Ancient Hindu’s used to hail the Raja’s of Old. Whereas greetings in accordance to Islam is to embrace one another, which is how the Kings or Royals of the middle-east also practice.

Thus before the very coming of Islam to Malay Peninsular itself, Malays used merely the word ‘Tuhan’ to denote GOD. It was after the coming of Islam itself to the Malay Peninsular, that the very word ‘Allah’ itself used by Malay Muslims of today is also taken from Arabic itself and became a more specific word to denote GOD in Islam by Malay Muslims, whereas in the Middle-East and among Arab Muslims and Christians, Allah is the word used for GOD in general. Which is why this particular issue, is in-fact not really much of an issue among Arabic speaking countries, it is in-fact an issue and made into a problem which was politicized because of the way Malays in particular utilize the word to denote something more specific, thus making it an issue because Malays in general do not speak Arabic.

Although Malays claim to read the very Quran itself…which by way of practice in Malaysia by Malay Muslims, is more akin to merely pronouncing the Quran and not exactly ‘reading’ it, because to read something is also to imply the ability to understand it. The equivalent is of someone learning how to read and pronounce words in French or Spanish properly, like someone memorizing the entire lyrics to song: La Bamba, or even the Macarena. When asked to recite or even sing the song, they could do so beautifully with the right pronunciation, but not even understand a single word of it.

Sadly even among the much elder Malays, when they ‘listen’ or hear the Quran on television or even playing it on a CD in their cars, basically their listening to it’s intonation like someone listening to a song. And when asked… they would say,

‘Sedap bacaan dia!’ or The way it’s being read is nice!’ …as if they were listening to a song or a hymn but not even understanding the very meanings of the verses they are listening to. Thus the very message of the Quran to Malay Muslims is lost. But as the Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) once prophesized concerning among the signs of The End of Times is ‘when the Quran is being sung like a song.’ This is in-fact sadly how a vast majority of non-Arabic Malay Muslims practice the Quran today, when it has been written clearly in the Quran…

Chapter 36 Ya’Sin verse 69:

‘We have not instructed ( the Prophet ) in Poetry, nor is it meet for him: this no less than a Message and a Qur’an making things clear.’

Although many Malay Muslims often recite this particular Chapter of the Quran during many festivities or special occasions, but sadly they fail to recognize this particular ayat.

Even the very subject ‘Agama’ or religion of Islam which is being taught in Malaysia’s current national education system in general for the non-specialized Islamic Schools for both Primary and Secondary School, one must be in a special class which offers Arabic in order to learn the language, and much of what is being taught to Malay Muslims focus solely on the Islamic Rituals of the techniques or methods or praying properly, reciting the Quran and memorizing prayers in Arabic, but is not truly focused on the very meanings in understanding of verses of the Quran in Arabic itself. Even the subject of Morality and Ethics in accordance to Islam itself has not been among the major focus in the teaching of Islam or the topic of ‘Agama’ in Malaysia’s Primary and Secondary School education.

But the teaching of Islam among Muslims is in-fact very much in contrast even in comparison to the way Islam is being taught in Mainland China. As Islam had came to China long before it reached the Malay Peninsular, where officially there are 27 Million Muslims in China, and Muslims in China are taught to read and speak Arabic from a very young age.

But what has happened to the very quality of Islamic Education in Malaysia? To answer this question one could easily take a look at the political landscape of Malaysia itself, as a proper and quality Islamic education has been among the major concerns of the political opposition party ‘The National Islamic Party’ or PAS -a party based on the religion of Islam- for the teaching or Morals and Ethics to Malay Muslims for a very-very long time. But for decades under the ruling United Malay National Organization ( UMNO ) which is a racial based party, has in-fact chosen to deliberately ignore, much to the decadence of the practice of Islam in general, and could also be seen as one of the main contributing factors towards the degradation of Moral Values among Malay Muslim youth in general.

'Mat Rempits'...illegal street racers, evidence of degradation of Moral Values among Malay Muslim Youth in Malaysia today

Gambling is forbidden in Islam, though it doesn't seem much of a problem for this particular Malay individual...
Malay Youth wearing a T-Shirt with obscene English writing while praying in a mosque

The very proper education of Islam under decades of racial based politics under UMNO has in-fact made it much more susceptible for the Federal Government under UMNO’s leadership to conduct racially biased courses that promote racism and segregation such as courses conducted by the National Civics Bureau or Malaysia or BTN, which if Malays in general had a more grounded knowledge of Islamic Education and on matters pertaining to Morals in accordance to Islamic Principles, they would know that racial segregation and racism itself is wrong and is in-fact against the very teachings of Islam as even the Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) himself had once said:

He is not one of us who proclaims the cause of tribal partisanship; and he is not one of us who fights in the cause of tribal partisanship; and he is not of us who dies for the sake of tribal partisanship.’

Thus for decades under UMNO leadership, the Government had taken major steps to control as well as regulate the proper teachings of Islam to general public, particularly due to the fact that the vast majority of Muslims in Malaysia are Malays, who represent the main targeted voters and supporters needed by UMNO.

These actions had included the control of edited sermons during muslim Friday prayers.The prohibition of members of the opposition party PAS from conducting courses, talks or even seminars in State or Federally built mosques. The regulation and monitoring of ‘fatwa’s’ or Islamic Advice issued by State ‘Mufti’s’ or Islamic State Religious Officials who are suppose to give counsel in accordance to Islamic Principles. And during the reign of the former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, the closing down of Islamic Community Schools or ‘Sekolah Agama Rakyat’. As what has been a common-trend in-fact, many Malays who properly delve into Islamic studies and issues of morality in Islam most often end-up opposing UMNO as a political party and not supporting much of it’s racially biased policies and due to rampant corruption of the party itself, end up questioning the leaders of UMNO’s very own morality itself. Thus for these particular reasons, to stem any further support towards PAS as a political party or towards opposition, the Federal Government under UMNO has always highly regulated any issues pertaining to the spread or even teaching of Islam for a long time to the general public in order to maintain it’s very own position of power in Malaysia. While always preaching progress among Malays and the nation, but sadly, such progress only means materialism alone and not any spiritual progress of Malays as individuals or Muslims or any progress in terms morality in the very face of modernization. Whereby for quite a long time, PAS has always stressed much upon putting moral values ahead of material progress as what is taught and stressed upon in Islamic teaching itself.

But sadly, these regulatory actions which have been practiced by UMNO itself has come at a cost towards the Malay society in general, as throughout the decades under UMNO leadership, what every Malay as well as Malaysians could see quite clearly, is the degradation of moral values among the Malay youth in general, where much of the Social Ills in Malaysia today, from illegal racing on the streets of Malaysia giving rise to youths called Mat Rempits, to young juveniles almost equivalent to biker-chicks cum prostitutes called Boh-Sias, to the majority of those in rehabilitation for drug abuse, as well as to many cases of murder of newly born babies out-of-wedlock or infanticide. If one takes a look at the statistics, the majority of these cases of Social Ills within Malaysia itself are all done by Malays. But this is in-fact the price paid by the nation and Malays in general when political as well as personal interests are placed ahead of what is in the best interest of people and society in general.

But it is because of the rapid decadence of morality in Malay society today, that many Malays who place precedence towards the issue of morality as their priority, and see proper and quality education and teaching of religion as one of the answers to these social ills, that many Malays choose to support PAS instead of UMNO. As UMNO has quite often choose to avoid the issues of morality as well as proper teachings of religion, as UMNO’s own existence as well as racially biased policies are against Islamic teachings.

Furthermore, with the rampant practice of corruption in UMNO itself, one merely needs to ask…

Can leaders who are themselves without any sense or morals or morality,be able to teach or give moral values to their own followers?’

While some of the more ignorant among Malay Muslims would like to claim that the very utilization of the word ‘Allah’ by People of The Book among Christians in Malaysia could cause confusion by using the example of wayward religious cults such as the Ayah Pin incident as a poor example, but what most Malays have failed to see is religious cults which had arisen in Malaysia in the past such as Al-Arqam, Ayah Pin, or even the Rasul Melayu… a guy claiming himself to be a Malay prophet, these incidents had nothing to do with other religious influence or dogma. These were all Malays who were born and raised as Muslims themselves.

The rise of particular wayward religious cults in Malaysia which were based upon Islamic teachings, including the recent extremist actions of attacks on Churches across Malaysia have only proven in-fact two things only:-

1-The extremely poor level of Basic Fundamental Islamic Education in Malaysia

as being taught to Malays in general, without the inclusion or aim at understanding

the Arabic texts of the Quran which it has been preserved and written in, or with a

view towards issues pertaining to Ethics and Morality in accordance to the

principles of Islam itself.

2-Under 50 years of racial and racist based politics, Malaysia’s very own practice

of Islam is in-fact not truly aligned with the way Islam is taught or even practiced

in other Muslim countries internationally. This has been proven by the fact that

even the leader of the International Islamic Ulama or Teachers Association

Yusuf Al-Qardawi himself had also said that the use of the word Allah for

denoting GOD by People of the Book was allowed. But despite Sheikh Yusuf Al-

Qardawi’s visit to Malaysia whereby the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak –who is

also President of the leading racist party UMNO- had took the time to take pictures

with him which was published on the front page of UMNO’s owned nationally

circulated newspaper Utusan Malaysia. But the very advice of the world’s most

renowned Islamic Scholar himself had been ignored purposely. Nor did or has

the Prime Minister himself even during his visits the Mecca- which is the center

for Islamic practice and studies worldwide- seek to clarify the issue pertaining to

the use of the word Allah by People of the Book from some of the world’s top

religious scholars. Which paints the picture that the whole incident was purposely

politicized by UMNO in order to cause religious tensions and friction in Malaysia,

as another cheap way of gaining supporters among the Malays which represent

the majority race and main targeted voters and supporters needed by the UMNO


Another most prevalent aspect which one could also see of the opinions of Malay Muslims in Malaysia concerning the whole Allah issue is the very absence towards the teaching or spreading of the true message of Islam to non-Muslims in Malaysia or Islamic missionary movements also known as Da’wah. With the very constitutional definition of Islam in Malaysia equating the Malay ethnicity with Islam, has almost begun to paint the wrong picture that Islam is the religion of Malays alone. Even Ministers in UMNO itself made openly wrong statements that if a person enters Islam he becomes a Malay, which is a wrong and wayward teaching coming directly from the politicians of UMNO itself in Malaysia. Islam is a religion, whereas Malay is an ethnicity… one can change or convert their religion, but one could not change the race or ethnic identity they were born into. But such statements coming from the mouths of UMNO Ministers themselves also paints the picture that Malays in Malaysia practice a very different or even a new sect of Islam than what is practiced as the standard religious practice Internationally… most probably an UMNO version of Islam?

But the situation with the lack of Islamic missionary movements or da’wah could also be seen both a cause from 50 years of political confusion under UMNO’s reign as well as a state of religious complacency which is clearly explained in Rodney Stark’s infamous book ‘Discovering God’ which explains the rise and fall of Ancient Religions since the early Sumerian and Egyptian times, to the rise of both Islam and Christianity.

In Rodney Stark’s book written from a more academic perspective shows how the theory of religious markets work, how people are attracted to religions, the theory of religious capital which accounts for how much easier it is for people to convert to certain religions compared to others. The most interesting factor mentioned is how complacency in a religious practice usually kicks in when a Religion is heavily sponsored or subsidized by the State, where the leaders of the religious practice who’s income is also sponsored or even subsidized by the State, thus there is not much motivation or the feel of the very need to attract new converts to the religion or even spread the religious teachings to other’s who are not of the faith, as the State religion as well as the religious officials do not need donations from it’s congregation in order to support it’s movements.

This is much different in comparison with religions which are not sponsored or subsidized by the State, who’s missionary movements have to be more active in attracting new converts and followers to their cause, as much of the movement or places of worship are financed through charitable donations given by it’s congregation and these non-subsidized or sponsored religions are also more active as a ‘community’ or people.

One could already see the very complacency in the teaching or spread of the true Islamic teachings in Malaysia by Malays to other non-Muslims or non-Malays, which aside from the heavy regulation towards Islamic practice and faith in Malaysia, plus with the complacency that comes when everything is fully sponsored by the State Government, but another factor which is also political which can be seen is that…if a Non-Malay converts to Islam in Malaysia, most often he/she could qualify after some time as bumiputra status, so long as he/she speaks the Malay language and practices Malay traditions/culture such as what has happened to many Muslim converts who married with Malay-Muslims.

Looking at UMNO’s ideology, it has always portrayed itself as the protector of the Malays and Malay rights from other races, especially the Chinese and sometimes even Indians whom have been often demonized by UMNO. UMNO has for decades taught Malays that if they do not support UMNO, Chinese, Indians and other races who are the minorities would take over Malaysia and Malays will become their slaves or servants, most often using similar political fear tactics as the late US President George W. Bush during his campaign on ‘The War Against Terror’ which he used to gain support from the American Public. UMNO’s fear politics and tactics are not much different in gaining the support of the Malays by teaching and instilling fear, hatred and enmity towards other races in Malaysia.

Thus the complacency towards the spread or teaching of the true Islamic teachings

or Da’wah –missionary movements-could easily be related to UMNO’s dominant strategy of using fear politics towards gaining Malay support, as in order for UMNO to survive, and remain relevant in today’s 21st Century, it needs a clear visible enemy to continually promote the fear and enmity among Malays towards other races or even religions, so that Malays will continue to depend on UMNO to protect it. If a vast majority of Chinese, Indians, people of Sabahan’s or Sarawakians were to convert or become Muslims…then with their ability to speak bahasa –the Malay language-, they would qualify later on as bumiputra’s and of course UMNO would no longer have any enemies for it to continue to remain relevant. Thus the tactic or strategy of keeping Malay Muslims ignorant is in-fact a tactic which only works to UMNO’s own advantage, but at the expense of the entire country’s image, the image of Islam at an international level, and of course at the expense of dishonoring the entire Malay race Internationally, which UMNO has for a long time had great talent of doing continuously with the kind of silly and ignorant remarks which quite often comes out of the mouths of UMNO Ministers themselves.

But this complacency which one could easily see in the Islamic practice in Malaysia is among the reasons why one does not see a very ‘active’ and lively Islamic community in Malaysia as compared to some of the Church missionary movements and activities in Malaysia. But with UMNO’s own policies of making enemies of other races and religions for decades, because majority of Muslims in Malaysia are Malays, then how would non-Muslims become attracted towards learning or finding out about Islam if the political leaders themselves preach hatred, enmity and racism which clearly is not aligned or even part of Islamic principles or teaching itself?

The Quran also writes in reference to People of the Book among Jews and Christians:

Chapter 5 Al-Ma’idah ( The Table ) verse 19:-

‘ O People of The Book! Now has come unto you, making things clear unto you, Our Messenger, after the break in ( the series of ) Our messengers, lest you should say: “There came unto us no bringer of glad tidings and a warner ( from evil ). And GOD has power over all things.’

In the Quran there are several in-fact verses which address Christians and Jews directly as People of the Book such as the one above. But HOW are Christians or Jews going to know or find out, unless either the buy a translation copy of the Quran itself, or if a person who is a Muslim themselves bother or even take the time to explain about Islam to them or relay the message such as the verse above to them?

Thus when one considers the implications of Malay Muslims in Malaysia due to ignorance by NOT allowing People of the Book among Christians or even Jews to use the word ‘Allah’ for God, one should consider how their actions clearly contradict everything that has been taught within the Quran itself:-

1st – Denying People of the Book the right to use the word ‘Allah’ is equivalent to

denying that GOD or ‘Allah’ himself had indeed sent messengers and scriptures

before the coming of Islam itself, and that those messengers were from GOD

or ‘Allah’ himself as well as denying that Christians and Jews are indeed

‘People of the Book’ when nowhere in the Quran does GOD or ‘Allah’ deny

that they are not People of the Book as which could be seen clearly from

Chapter 22 Al-Hajj ( The Pilgrimage ) verse 39-40 quoted above.

2nd- Denying People of the Book the right to use the word ‘Allah’ would also

be equivalent to differentiating between the prophets themselves which

clearly goes against GOD or ‘Allah’s’ command to Muslims in

Chapter 2 Al-Baqarah ( The Heifer ) verse 136 as what I have cited


3rd- The Federal Government under UMNO’s very own actions in trying to

Appeal against the High Courts rule also clearly goes against GOD or

‘Allah’s’ own command in the Quran as written in Chapter 29 Al-Ankabut

( The Spider ) verse 46. As Christians do believe that there is ONE GOD,

it is only the ‘identity’ of God in Islam which differs with that of Christian

theology. But as the difference in both religious theologies have already been

written in a clear and concise manner, then there would not be any confusions

if Malays as Muslims truly read and understood their own Quran….

Whatever differences there may be, that would in-fact be a Muslims

responsibility in Islam to explain it, which majority of Malays as Muslims

sadly don’t even bother to do so as they’ve always been taught by

the government under UMNO to make enemies and hate everybody

from other races and other religions.

4th- To deny People of the Book among Christians the right to use the word

‘Allah’ in relation to the 1st point I have put forth is also equivalent to

Malays as Muslims implying that there is another GOD besides Allah

for Christians and Jews who were responsible for the earlier messengers

and scriptures that came before, and this by itself is already against

Islamic religion which teaches that there is NO GOD but Allah ( GOD )

or ONE God.

5th- To continue with the appeal and to deny People of the Book in Malaysia the

right to use the word ‘Allah’ for GOD would also paint a bad image for

Malaysian Muslims in general at an International level, as from the recent

incidents of Church burning and even the UMNO led government protesting

against the People of the Book using it, many Arab speaking Muslims from

The Middle-East are already questioning and beginning to believe that

Malays in Malaysia practice a whole new different sect or teaching of Islam.

Their own ‘Malaysian’ or UMNOrized version of Islam which is not the

same as what Middle-Eastern muslims practice as the standard Islamic

practice as they have no problems with Christians in the Middle-East using

the word ‘Allah’ which means GOD.

Even the very claim that the use of the word would ‘confuse’ Muslims is unfounded, especially when the Quran itself has made everything clear for Muslims itself thus where is the confusion?

UMNO’s very own call for an Islam Hadhari which received no protests by majority of Malays supporting UMNO itself during the tenure of Tun Hj. Abdullah Ahmad Badawi as Prime Minister of Malaysia in-fact was even MORE confusing as many till today wanted to know what was difference with the regular practice of Islam?

But if UMNO continues with it’s plan to appeal and even State Governments themselves merely follow suit, then it would only be at Islam as a religion’s own future detriment as they would make missionary or da’wah movements in Islam in the future much harder and in-fact dissuade even more non-Muslims to being attracted to understanding, finding out or even learning about the true teachings of Islam, as the Malaysian Government’s own policy clearly now practices religious segregation in addition to it’s racial segregation policies.

There would clearly be no confusion if Malays as Muslims simply followed what has been written in the Quran..

Chapter 6 Surah Al-An’am ( The Cattle ) verse 155:

‘ And this is a Book which We have revealed as a blessing: so follow it and be righteous, that you may receive mercy.’

But then again, how could a people who clearly don’t understand the Arabic language,

nor even bother to find out or understanding the Books meanings be able to follow something which they cannot comprehend? And how are a people like the Malays to understand their own religion, when they have a political party in Government that intentionally tries to make sure that Malays don’t truly understand their own religion for the political parties own benefit?

Some thoughts to ponder….



  1. Dear Saudara

    I salute your zest and zeal for knowledge. Your perseverance for truth and in-depth study as shown in this post bear testimony of the depth of your faith! Most inspiring.

    Thanks for sharing...


  2. Thank you. No problem. Knowledge is meant to be SHARED and it is OUR duty and responsibility as Muslims to SHARE the WORD of GOD in the Quran with other's, particularly our brother's and sisters from among The People of the Book. It is said that Knowledge, if NOT shared or used properly, is similar to a RIPE FRUIT on a tree that is never plucked nor falls to the ground to be shared and tasted by others, thus it brings no benefit to the Tree or Garden's owner. In the end the FRUIT will only SPOIL to be eaten by insects or birds. I will always try my best to SHARE my knowledge with other's in here as I can...

  3. Jazakallah Khair ya Akhi, MAy Allah spare our wisdom and knowledge only for HIM and the task of Da'wah..and from the Ikhlas and Ihsan Allah will strengthen the IMAN & TAqwa..beat down the flashing feeling of deceiving thoughts, that later would make us feel that we're superior, when we feel superior that's about time we'd feel of how the pharaoh had felt...he felt he's superior, soon he even said that he's A GOD...and every humankind..have that kind of feeling..And Allah would never forgive that sin if we died in such a way..Nauzubillah Minzalik!

  4. Imran,

    I take my hat off to you for this well researched article - great job & keep it up.

    I believe it has all to do with "Niat" UMNO which have changed over 52 years from the original intention for "Personal" agendas & not for the betterment of Malays, UMNO or Malaysia.

    Suggest you go to AK47 Sakmongkol Blogsite & read my comments...


  5. wow, mind opener! you have proof for all your statements, thumbs up!

  6. Thanks...but usually when I decide to write something...I make sure and LOVE to make sure I've done enough research and analysis first before writing and commenting on a particular topic...always looking for 'answers'...

  7. Your research only looks from one viewpoint. You should also study the other Muslims point of views and their arguments (hujah) why Allah is not allowed for the Christians.
    Shouldn't it be better that both views pros and cons be presented, and their arguments provided, then after that you provide your opinion.(not your judgment)
    Therefore the best I can say of your article is that it is one sided.

  8. using the word Allah LONG BEFORE the coming of Islam itself...or have you FORGOTTEN that the Prophet Muhammad's own father's name was Abdullah which means "Servant of ALLAH"??? A

    nd your comment quite OBVIOUS shows 1 did NOT EVEN READ the article when much of what is written is also verses FROM the Quran itself... but sadly there are MANY "MALAYS" who are just as IGNORANT as yourself. But then again one thing from experience I've come across Malays who like commenting only for the SAKE of commenting is that it's a well known fact that our MALAYS...are NOT fond of reading or reading anything INTELLECTUAL! But this is WHERE Malays as Muslims like yourself FAIL to follow the very FIRST commandment from the Quran itself...which is "READ!"

  9. Truly an excellent article. It is (very) difficult to find anyone who would even bother to do something as well researched as this. It gives some insight as to what Islam really is (I'm a Christian). I have to admit though, I was beginning to question Islam as an actual religion due to the actions of the politically-inclined individuals of self-preservation. Now, I feel like I can understand Islam a little better now. I've always wanted to study religion, but from what I have seen, heard and observed, "History is written by the victors.", so it is quite difficult to differentiate what is said to be true and what exactly is the truth. In Sabah and Sarawak, as far as I'm concerned, we're okay with the word. For us, "Allah" is a merely a word denoting GOD. If non-Muslims were banned from using it to avoid confusion, then how can it be explained for the Muslims and non-Muslims of the Middle-East? For those offended by the article, "The truth only hurts when it is denied."

  10. Truly enlightening...thank you for posting this information and sharing it with someone like me...someone from The People Of The Book, who shares the same thoughts as you.....Q, Doha, Qatar

  11. Your welcome feel free to add me in Facebook if you'd like! Would love to visit Doha, Qatar one day as Al-Jazeera headquarters is based there :-)

  12. Dear Mortal Angel, we welcome you to Doha/Qatar any time. Having lived in this beautiful country for the last 4 years, I must say that I have learned so much about it's people (Qatari), it's culture (Middle Eastern) and it's religion (Islam). But what truly amazed me is the people's tolerance towards us, non-Muslim foreigners. The Emir has been exemplary in his tolerance and respect for others' beliefs and religions in that he has even contributed to the building of a few churches for the christian population here. Foreigners and non-Muslims are encouraged to learn greet, to praise The Almighty, to say any other phrases in ARABIC, which would have offended my fellow Muslim brothers back home in our beloved Malaysia. As such, I am truly grateful that you have come up with this well-researched article as an effort to clarify a very important issue in order to pacify the tension and the turmoil that has resulted due to 'misinformation' and lack of knowledge and understanding in our country. My salute to you!

  13. Thank You. Would really love to visit Doha/Qatar one of these days as my late grandfather on my mother's side was pure Arab from Sana'a in Yemen. Do look me up in Facebook if you have an FB account, just type my name "Wan Imran Wan Chik" and send me an Inbox message :-)

  14. Any wonder where the word "Malay" originated from? And yet,a certain quarter is treated like trash in bolehland...pathetic to say the u said, knowledge is power..I always believed that academicians should only be allowed to spread the will of GOD, not religious people.Why? Your article says it all..

  15. Hats off to you my friend.
    As a Malaysian non muslim, you have changed my views on the Islamic religion.
    Shame for me to say, but I have quite a misconception on Islam as a whole.
    After years of oppression and demeaned, one could not bear to not hate the other party.
    But now I know, hate is a terrible thing to do. Rather I should pity them in Malaysia for being mislead.
    Thank you for enlightening me and to have me understand that Islam as a whole is a wonderful religion.
    I pray that Malaysian Muslim would one day truly embrace their own religion and to regain the harmony we once had in our country.

  16. bro, i have just finished the the whole article that is done by you. I am from a non islam background and this article has clearly open my mind and changed my view towards islam teaching. Well done to you for this beautifully done article which i believe there are still alot of Malay Muslim which are still in "jahil"period like those sejarah contexts which we studied during high school. I am always interested in religion matters as i believe there is no religion in this world that would teach you the wrong way, it is the one who practice it doing it wrongly

  17. Ass Wr Wb Saya ingin berbagi cerita kepada anda bahwa sy seorang TKW dari malaysia dan secara tidak sengaja saya buka internet dan saya melihat komentar IBU LUSI yg dari singapura tentang AKI yg telah membantu dia menjadi sukses dan akhirnya saya juga mencoba menghubungi beliau dan alhamdulillah beliau mau membantu saya untuk memberikan nomor Togel/lottrey 4D dr hasil ritual/ghaib dan alhamdulillah itu betul-betul terbukti tembus dan menang RM.270.000 Ringgit ,kini saya kembali indon membeli rumah dan kereta walaupun sy cuma pembantu rumah tanggah di selangor malaysia, sy sangat berterimakasih kepada AKI MAULANA dan tidak lupa mengucap syukur kepada ALLAH karna melalui AKI saya juga sudah bisa se sukses ini, pesan AKI yg slalu sy ingat setiap manusia bisa menjadi kaya, hanya saja terkadang mereka tidak tahu atau salah jalan, Banyak orang menganggap bahwa miskin dan kaya merupakan bagian dari takdir, Takdir macam apa? Tuhan tidak akan memberikan takdir yang buruk terhadap kita semua, cobaan yang Tuhan berikan merupakan pembuktian seberapa kuat Anda bertahan di dalamnya. Tuhan tidak akan merubah nasib Anda jika Anda tidak berusaha untuk merubahnya sendiri, Jadi teman2 yg dalam ke susahan jgn pernah putus asah, kalau sudah waktunya tuhan pasti kasi jalan asal anda mau berusaha. AKI MAULANA adalah guru spiritual terkenal di indonesia yg bisa melakukan ritual ghaib seperti:
    1.Pesugihan bank ghaib
    2.Ritual tembus togel/lottrey
    3.Transfer janin
    4.Pelaris usaha, jodoh DLL
    jika anda ingin mengubah nasib seperti saya silahkan KLIK DISINI PESUGIHAN DUNIA GHAIB

    I want to share a story to you that sy a migrant worker from malaysia and accidentally I open internet and I see the comment LUSI mom from singapore about AKI who has helped him become successful and finally I also tried to contact him and alhamdulillah he wanted Help me to give the number Togel / lottrey 4D dr ritual / unseen and alhamdulillah it really proved translucent and won RM.270.000 Ringgit, now I am back indon buying house and train even though sy just housemaid in selangor malaysia, sy very thankful To AKI MAULANA and do not forget to give thanks to ALLAH because through AKI I also can be this successful, AKI message which slalu sy remember every human being can become rich, only sometimes they do not know or wrong way, Many people assume that poor and rich Is a part of destiny, what kind of fate? God will not give a bad destiny to us all, God's temptation is proving how strongly you endure it.God will not change your fate if you do not try to change it yourself, So teman2 deep into tusah jgn never despair, when it's time god must be the road to where you want to try.AKI MAULANA is a famous spiritual teacher in Indonesia who can perform the occult rituals such as:
    1.Presugihan bank ghaib
    2.Ritual translucent togel / lottrey
    3.Transfer fetus
    4.Paris business, matching DLL
     If you want to change the fate Please visit the website CLICK HERE WORLD WIDE GHAIB
